READING SKILLS: MY STORY (Grammar and comprehension)

Grade 2

Objetctive: To learn to read stories and comprehend what they are reading.

Exercise 1: Read mentally the story and underline the new words.

Don’t Give Up

If you’ve tried and have not won,

Never stop for crying;

All that’s great and good is done

Just by patient trying.


Though young birds, in flying, fall,

Still their wings grow stronger;

And the next time they can keep

Up a little longer.


Though the sturdy oak has known

Many a blast that bowed her,

She has risen again, and grown

Loftier and prouder.


If by easy work you beat,

Who the more will prize you?

Gaining victory from defeat --

That’s the test that tries you!

Reading comprehension worksheet and kid´s fable – “Don´t give up”.

Exercise 2: We will read loudly the text once following the order of pupil’s names alphabetically so as to make the activity dynamic. Later, we shall choose one pupil to read again the whole text while rest will be listening and later find meaning of the new words.

Exercise 3: Group discussion on the story and answer the following questions.


1.       What happens if we are patient enough and keep trying?

2.      What occurs when a small birds fly?

3.      What’s the trials to you experience most?

4.      What do you do when things seem to be very hard?



  1. Hello:
    The reading of stories and the promotion of reading and all the skills that they imply and the motivation that we awaken in children are fundamental and basic. In addition, the Underline will allow you to work your attention and keep the learning in your mind for a longer time and generalize it to the next learning. Likewise, the work sheet will make the learning stay longer in our long-term memory and will make it motivating and enriching for the next learning in the English class. And of course, all of this will be enriching and motivating, and even more so if we do it in teams. In my class we work like this, everyone is a protagonist. And finally, the group discussion will favor oral expression and all the skills related to communication in English and dialogue between the students in the class, as well as enjoying English classes and wanting to repeat it for the next time.
    Thank you.
    Diana Prieto Rodriguez.

  2. Hello!! The story you chose is very touching and its message of "never give up" is so important for our children these days! Good point on practicing english skills, which can be boring or repetitive sometimes, through a beautiful text that willl encourage them to continue learning. I like the final part of the activity whrere the students get the chance to speak and give their opinions and reflect on their own experiences. Despite them being so young, they never stop surprising with their answers and their view on things. The activity is very neat presented and visually made for easy understanding. Congratulations, good job! :)

  3. Kids need be encouraged so as to find meaning both in learning and in life. Thanks for your comment.


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